Because of the cutoff issue that I fixed, the Masc and Fem Back Tattoos are both restricted to their respective frames. 2 swatches on the sleeve tattoos one black and white, one with some colour.

Again if it’s an issue I can try and fix it. The swatches aren’t quite in the same place either.

They are not symmetrical, I left it that way since I doubt people will use both at once but if it’s a problem I can try and fix it. 1 sleeve tattoo, for both arms, mirrored. 2 different versions, one for the masc frame and one for the fem frame (this is because the masc-frame version got cut off on the top of the shoulders when on the fem frame) The first 3 example screenshots have brightness/contrast edited. All of the examples on skin tones / frames is shown just so you know roughly how it’ll look in-game before you download it. I really want to make more custom tattoos, but I need to get back into drawing first.

Some of my old dragon art from 2017-18 changed into TS4 tattoos.